Review of Bad Luck (#Catdelicous #OmgWaitNo #BadBoyKitty)

Short description (by me): Teen girl sees an adorable black cat and calls it. The cat crosses the street… And gets hit by a car. She takes the little ball of fury under her wing, but she notices that at times it seems too human to be a cat… But it’s all in her head. Right?

Author: Lilian Carmine

Rating: 75/100 [4/5 (maybe 3/5) on Goodreads, 90/100 when I finished it]

Here is my review on Goodreads:

Amazon link: Bad Luck

“This book will make you feel all sort of fuzzies and giggle like a teen in love.

I laughed so many times! And OMG I rarely blush in real life, but a certain someone in it just made my cheeks warm all the time!

Definitely recommending to people who love romance with a hint of paranormal. I think this book is unique, and I have never read something much like it. (You will get what I mean when you read it. ;D)

I will give it a 4/5 for the wonderful feelings it made me go through, would give it an 90/100 the moment I finished it and an 75/100 now, after months of finishing it. Read it! It will really make your mood. ⭐”

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